A New Moon is an excellent time to set your intentions for the coming month. This month, your intentions should include battening down the hatches and making sure you know where the lifeboat is kept. This New Moon will be a challenge for many, extending its influence over the next couple of weeks (as New Moons do).
On Friday, the Sun and Moon are conjunct at 11 degrees Libra — the Sign of “partnership” and “playing along with people” and “not being such a jerk” would normally be a good indicator for your personal relationships. Certainly there’s going to be action in many of your lives that way, but don’t expect “pleasant or stable”: This New Moon is closely opposed by Uranus and squared by Pluto. Uranus loves nothing better than a good rebellion, or at least change for change’s sake… and Pluto has a habit of throwing your most deeply held beliefs and values in your face as a test. So for a relatively innocuous New Moon, this one will bring a lot of change into a lot of people’s lives.
Jupiter is involved in the mix too. Jupiter in Cancer is a strong placement, and its effect can’t be denied. Normally Jupiter brings the good times and the good feelings with it, but since it’s square that Sun-Moon combo, the results could be more excessive than entertaining. It’s later in degrees than the other planets in this pile-up, so its effects might not be felt until next week.
Think of this New Moon as both a trigger for things that have been brewing for the last couple of years in your life and as the opportunity to find new solutions to those issues. And let’s not forget this most basic of principles: more often than not, the worst doesn’t happen, and things usually turn out better than our fears. Having said that… forewarned is fore-armed!
This forecast applies to everyone in particular, but some of you should take special note…. people born under the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are more likely to see dramatic results, and also people born during the following time frames:
September-November 1952, May-July 1975, February-April 1981, August-October 1989: The things your worldview are founded on and your sense of order will face challenges.
First half of 1945, October 1951-May 1952, or anyone born in 1989: Sometimes reality doesn’t always line up with our dreams, and this is one of those times when both of those are being tested.
Second half of 1954: Events in the next few days will lead to disruption in the next couple of weeks. Make plans ahead of time and take precautions.
Late 1955-Late 1956: Unexpected challenges arise, quite possibly as a result of loved one’s actions or material resources. Don’t panic: things will rebound soon.
1950-1956 and 1976-1984: Good news! The various stresses and strains of the last two years can start sorting themselves out now, with a little help from your clear-headedness and gentle guidance.