beliefnet astrology matthew currie grand cross
Besides, no one cares about your screams for help, anyway.

Regardless of the circumstances in your personal life right now, you have likely noticed a subtle but very real increase in tensions either within yourself, with others around you, or with your world in general. Astrologically speaking, this is due to what is called a Grand Cross: four planets either opposite or at a 90 degree angle to each other. Jupiter is currently opposite the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto: egos and thoughts (Sun and Mercury) are under tension from the urge to expand and are (literally) opposed to the worldviews and philosophies of others, or ourselves (Jupiter). This in and of itself would be reasonably bearable under normal circumstances, except that there are two other planets aggravating the whole situation: Uranus and Mars.


Uranus is still heavily invested in its head-butting contest with Pluto, which is making both society in general and individual lives nuttier than usual. Mars (which is usually the first planet to start a fight) is still in Libra and is now agitating all of the previously mentioned planets, in addition to its current job description of making relationships more difficult.


These conditions are affecting us all in general, to one degree or another. But for those of you with major placements in the 10-20 degree range of the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) the tensions will be especially noteworthy. Pay special attention to the following advice if this describes you… or if that describes a loved one or someone you simply can’t avoid, like a boss or a child.


All of this can make getting along with your fellow humans in the next week or so especially challenging. Your best strategy to get through it all is probably to play into the strengths of two of the planets not involved in this four-way pile-up: Mercury and Neptune. The two offer completely different approaches to life, so one or the other ought to be of some use to you. Feel free to try one or both, as needs and circumstances arise.


Mercury rules logic, reason, and intellect. You may be subject to fierce emotions lately — your own and/or those of others — but the frontal lobes of your brain still run the show. Pause and reflect. Breathe. Count to ten. Analyze your motives and those of others, and behave logically and sanely. Remember that lashing out may bring temporary relief, but can often do much more harm in the long run. Get yourself a calender and make a note to deal with whatever confrontations you may face in the next few days by putting them off until later next week.


Neptune is the polar opposite of Mercury in most ways. Neptune is dreamy and fuzzy and spiritual and much more interested in how things feel than the facts and figures. You can find your relief from the current madness through prayer, meditation, entertainment, or any one of a number of distractions. And if you live in Colorado — get yourself to the store pronto while supplies last!


Either way, the transits we are all facing right now may be explosive for many of us, but let’s all try to be sane and recognize the value, necessity, and (worst case scenario) the simple unavoidability of the people and things that may be causing us grief.


Now, having said that: get off my lawn you kids!

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