Death Star(Apologies to everyone out there who isn’t a Star Wars fan. You may need to find one and ask him or her to explain this forecast to you.)

This Thursday sees a New Moon in Aquarius. New Moons are subtle but powerful things: not nearly as obvious or dramatic as a Full Moon, but if you’re willing to work with it, a New Moon can be the most powerful time of the month… a time when you can sit down and make demands of both The Universe and yourself and actually —  miracle of miracles! — stand a chance of getting some real, tangible results.

You’ve got to do the work though, and this month the conditions are right for some real breakthroughs.

The Uranus-Pluto square has been causing havoc for a good couple of years now, both with the world in general and on an individual level. One of the problems with a square is that it’s like two planets arguing with no chance of a tie-breaker. Any time a third planet positively aspects one of the squaring planets, it does little or nothing for the other planet in the square. Looking to the planets to break an impasse like that requires a fourth planet, and this month we have that, with one to spare.

The Sun and Moon conjunction in Aquarius is closely sextile the Uranus side of the Uranus-Pluto square. What this means that the Battle Of The Square is now tipped in favor of Uranus (liberty, individuality, and doing your own thing). Meanwhile, Pluto (absolutes, control, and fear) is softened by a conjunction with Venus and an opposition from Jupiter.

So: have you felt for a couple of years like like circumstances have held you back? Have you struggled against forces, either external or internal, that have oppressed you? Has it felt like an entire Galactic Empire has been against you? Thursday is the day to act. Make a plan. Heck, you don’t need much of one, even… just the willingness to say “I want this to change, and I’m going to do what it takes” and you can get results.

Now, it may involve something really crazy, like addressing how you’ve been an unwitting accomplice to the things holding you back, or facing up to things about your loved ones you don’t want to admit to yourself, or maybe… who knows? Sending in a one-man fighter up against a gigantic battle station? The truth is: most of the seemingly big problems in life can be solved with the right action at the right time, and most of Life’s Big Issues have a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port, with a shaft that leads directly to the reactor system.

Okay, I’ll stop it with the geeky stuff now. My point here is that you’ve got to make your move this month. And it begins Thursday by setting the intention. Then trust your instincts. Use the Force, already, jeez!

Now, some specifics:

If you were born September 1940-April 1941: Now is the time to take charge of your circumstances. Be firm in who you are and what you believe.

If you were born February-July 1952: The tensions are reaching their peak. Be brave and brace yourself for the Final Challenge. Save your resources and take a structured approach.

If you were born January-June 1977: Unique opportunities are coming your way, provided you are not afraid to take the leap. It’s a good time to lay down a long-term strategy.

If you were born December 1980-March 1981 or August-September 1981: The challenges to your happiness and sanity may be piling up, but a change in direction and a little bravery will make a huge difference.

If you are Justin Bieber: This New Moon is square your Jupiter.Legal consequences will be harsher than anticipated this month. Do whatever you can to put off that court date until at least March… and get a grip on yourself, already.

If you are Kanye West: This New Moon is trine you Pluto while Uranus is opposite it. Sorry, looks like all the news this month will be about your offspring, not you. Also: since that New Moon is happening in your 8th House, don’t get caught anywhere with your pants off except at home, okay…?


Just in time for Valentine’s… the Astrology Love Life Repair Workshop! Details HERE…

Questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general? Write me… I’ve got answers!


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