beliefnet lunar eclipse forecast astrology matthew currie
source: Wikipedia

RM writes: “I have noticed that my whole body and mood changes during the full moon. I am a Cancer.  On that very day I feel very bad and drowsy. I do not like to talk to anyone. I feel depressed and have headache. I heard from somewhere that wearing pearl is good for my mood. I am very very emotional by the way. Should I wear pearl always?”

I have always thought that the effects of the Full Moon is one of those things that can be used as a “gateway drug” of sorts to understanding Astrology: if you know the details of your birth chart, and know where the Sun and Moon are in the Zodiac at any given time relative to it, over the course of a month or two you’ll see just how powerful and meaningful astrological transits can be. With something as big and prolonged as a Saturn Return or a Uranus Opposition, it can be hard to pin the effects on any given day… but Sun square your Moon or Moon passing over your Mars? That’s the kind of thing you’ll really feel, even if it only lasts for a few days (in the case of the Sun) or a few hours (in the case of the Moon).

So certainly, you’re going to feel a Full Moon. There is also a strong case to be made that, as a Cancer (which is ruled by The Moon), you might be more prone to that sort of thing than the average person. I myself have Moon in Cancer, which is pretty similar, and the Full Moon usually bring a round of The Crazy into my life one way or another, I’ve noticed. Anecdotally, at least, a lot of astrologers will back the notion that Cancers (or those with a lot of Water or a strongly-aspected Moon in their Birth Charts) will feel this things pretty significantly.

Yes, I know, dear Skeptic Friends… “anecdotal evidence” isn’t “hard data.” That’s one of the funny things about skeptics: like me, they’re usually science geeks. Show a skeptic a study that indicates that the Moon affects how lions hunt or how often house-pets get injured or corals reproduce, and they’re fascinated Yayyy, Science! Show them a study that indicates it affects how humans sleep or how aggressive people are, and they’re off to insert a sentence about “Confirmation Bias” into the conversation… not to mention inserting it into any Wikipedia articles on the subject.

For further information, ask your local cop or bartender or Emergency Medical Technician what they think of the effects of the Full Moon.

As for the matter of wearing pearl? There is a tradition in Vedic Astrology that wearing gems that honor the individual planets can strengthen or stabilize those planets in your Birth Chart during the times they need an assist. If your Mars is debilitated or experiencing bad transits, a ruby or red coral can help it function better. Pearl would certainly be the gem of choice to help your Moon, but even though I know Vedic Astrology (and if any of you want to learn it, here’s a free sneak preview of my upcoming class), I don’t prescribe. At the very least though: putting a pearl on every Full Moon might be a reminder that the Moon is powerful, but its transits always pass.

Questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general? Write me… I’ve got answers!

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