beliefnet astrology matthew currie full moon
Source: Wikipedia

You don’t have to be an astrologer to be aware of the reputation that a Full Moon has for affecting people’s moods. Astrologically, a Full Moon doesn’t have too much of an effect beyond the actual day it happens, but this time around it could provide an exciting sneak preview of things that will become issues for you in the next couple of months, or that in fact have been brewing just under the surface for the last couple of years.

A Full Moon makes for a temporary peak in emotional tensions, bruised Egos, and the everyday craziness of Life getting just a bit crazier. This Full Moon is in effect for only a few hours (on either side of 1:08 PM Eastern/10:08 AM Pacific, to be exact) but pay close attention to the psychological themes and practical matters that you face during that time and on the preceding evening and following day. Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, that additional tension may point the way to issues that have been developing in your life for some time.

We are approaching what is called a Cardinal Grand Cross.This is a situation where four planets are at 90 degrees to each other in what are called The Cardinal Signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The Cardinal Signs have a reputation for wanting to get things started, whether it’s relationships, workout routines, or fist fights, and don’t generally take well to being held back. The Square Aspect — a 90 degree separation — is in many ways a natural enemy to those Cardinal principles. A square between two planets has them working at cross purposes, like two horses tied to a wagon where one horse wants to go North and the other one insists on pulling to the West. Having four planets all at 90 degrees to each other is like four horses pulling to the four points of the compass… and you’re the wagon.

Uranus, the planet of individual genius, rebellion, and upsets, has been in Aries for some time now, and for the last couple of years it has been locked in a 90 degree aspect to Pluto, which is the planet that represent life-and-death struggles, your deepest fears, and the ability to resurrect after disaster. Regardless of the events in your personal life, all you have to do is look at the revolutions and rebellions and intrigues and espionage ad struggles that have marked World History and Economics (and your own life) since 2012 to see the effects of that square.

The square is now joined by Jupiter in Cancer… which is theoretically the strongest place for Jupiter to be. Jupiter is often thought of to be the Santa Claus of the Zodiac, bringing good cheer and good times. It also rules expansion though… and the one thing that all the tensions in the world and in your life really don’t need right now is a double scoop of “more of the same.” This three-way Clash Of The Titans will be in effect until May, when it will be joined by Mars in Libra in mid-April. Mars is named after the ancient God of War, and rightly so: Whatever it touches, it fuels, and it rarely cares about the consequences, or whether or not a sparkler would have done the job when it causes a forest fire.

Having said all that, there’s no real reason to panic: you personally (and the world in general) have gone through challeging times before, and come out the other side (mostly) intact. But pay close attention to where you life and your feelings are this upcoming weekend, and watch for the glitches: they could be a larger message that something big has gotta give…

Questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general? Write me… I’ve got answers!

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