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As a counseling astrologer, I spent a lot of time working with people discussing (among other things) their career options. Often the issues facing people are not simply a matter of “do I do this job, or that job?” Often, the question at hand is much larger.

One of the most important parts of a birth chart is the Midheaven. Whereas your ascendant or “rising sign” was the point on the eastern horizon that was rising when you were born, the Midheaven is the highest point in the Zodiac when you were born. The ascendant rules things like what you look like it and how you come across to people, but the Midheaven rules things like your career or, in a broader sense, your “life path”: what people see you as, and how they see you among them.

It can be easy to confuse the function of the Midheaven with the function of the 10th house in your birth chart. Both are related to your career and professional life, but there is a distinct difference between the two. If the 10th house is “what am I doing for a living?” the Midheaven is more like – whatever your actual chronological age – “what am I going to be when I grow up?”

The majority of Western Astrologers out there use House Systems where the 10th House starts at the Midheaven, but I don’t. I treat them as two different things, because (among other reasons) you may have noticed that sometimes what you’re doing for a living feels a lot different than what you should be doing. For those of you who aren’t huge fans of astrological technicalities, feel free to skip the next paragraph. Here: enjoy a song about the 10th house… and don’t let your boss catch you goofing off at work listening to it either.

Different astrologers use different House Systems. Arguing about which House System works best is often an astrologer’s favorite pastime. Imagine a room full of a hundred physicians. If you walk into that room and ask them where your spleen is and what it does, you’d get pretty much the same answer from all of them without any argument. Now try walking into that same room and announcing that you have an inflamed spleen, wave your test results around, and then ask them how you should treat it. Not only will you get a range of answers, if it’s been a difficult day, the Moon is full, and there’s an open bar, there’s a good chance fisticuffs will break out before a consensus does.

Career counseling is a large part of what I do with clients. It’s certainly a much larger percentage of the work than it would’ve been for an astrologer a thousand years ago when, if your grandfather was a farmer and your father was a farmer and you came from a long line of farmers… guess what you were likely to do for a living?

If you really want to understand your strengths not just as An Employee, but as Someone Who’s Here To Make Their Mark In Life, you’ll need to know your time of birth, and (ideally) talk to an astrologer. Go ahead, contact me… we’ll figure your options out.

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