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Last time, I explained how the Midheaven is a goal that you were aiming at with your life, and that your career is a large portion of that. This time: I’d like to talk about the 10th House, which is more closely related to the actual work you do.

Many astrologers use House Systems where the 10th House starts at the Midheaven. That’s all fine and well, but I find that for most purposes what are called “Whole Sign” Houses seem to work better when it comes to predicting the observable, as opposed to the more psychological. From many people’s viewpoint, this causes a little confusion, as the Midheaven becomes a floating point that sometimes lands within the 10th House and sometimes doesn’t. If you are used to looking at charts with the Midheaven as the start of the 10th House, just go with me on this.

The Midheaven represents career goals and public recognition, but the 10th House is more closely related to the actual nature of the work you’re doing. Put another way, the Midheaven is sort of like the “why” but the 10th House is more like the “how.”

I am going to use my own chart as an example. My Midheaven is in Pisces, but by Whole Sign Houses, Aries is my 10th House. The nature of those Signs are important to the career, but we need to look at the condition and placement in the birth chart of the planets that rule them. The ruler of my 10th House is Mars, which in my birth chart is in the Seventh House. I work well through partnerships: specifically, forming a partnership with a client when going through the details of their birth chart to find solutions for them. I particularly enjoy being able to get real results for people, one person at a time. And because Mars is involved, sometimes that means challenging people’s assumptions. And since my Midheaven ruler is Neptune, and that planet is in the House which rules entertainment (the Fifth House), I will now illustrate my point about how the Midheaven and the 10th House are two different things that work together with a video of  Cowboy Monkeys:


You see, it’s actually the dog (10th House) that is doing the real work, but it’s the monkey (Midheaven) that everyone sees doing it, and ultimately it’s the monkey that everyone pays to watch and remembers afterwards. Likewise: I have fulfilled my role in bringing you some information on astrology while hopefully providing some entertainment.Although the Midheaven and the 10th House are really two different things, they can work together in harmony to help you find that one single calling that will fulfill you both personally and financially.

Nice job, Cowboy Monkeys!


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