Astrologers tend to get terribly excited when Jupiter changes Sign, particularly when it’s entering one with a reputation for being “fun” like Leo does. When that happens, it’s time for the astrologers to break out all the keywords like “expansive” and “growth” and “wow, I had such a great time – wait, where are my pants?”

Let’s be honest here: after dealing with the potential rage the comes with Mars, the cold and crusty indifference of Saturn, the freaky unpredictability of Uranus, and the death-stare of Pluto, astrologers are thrilled to write about Jupiter.

Jupiter is generally considered to be the ruler of good cheer and good times. Yes, a Jupiter transit can be every bit as thrilling and fortunate as appearing on a game show… but: let’s not forget what happens to the majority of contestants on game shows eventually…

But seriously, folks: Jupiter changing Signs usually represents a year of changing fortunes, and often for the better, in one of the departments of your life. It does represent new opportunities and new horizons.

Rather than take the usual approach and break these things down by Sign (although I will admit that, yes, Cancer and Cancer Rising people do in fact stand a good chance of making a lot more money in the next year), let me lay out the potential effects of Jupiter in Leo at various periods for the rest of its trip through Leo.

July 26th-August 15th: Whoa there, settle down big fella! Mars enters Scorpio, and is square Jupiter. You (and everyone else) will likely be on overdrive, and with the relative inaction you may have experienced during Mars in Libra, the temptation may be to just bulldoze your way through any opposition.

Mid-September: Jupiter square Saturn and trine Uranus. You have brilliant solutions to all of your problems, and if only the Entire Material Universe weren’t getting in the way, you’d be running the place by now. Keep calm, carry on, AND wear a helmet just to be safe.

October 8th: A Lunar Eclipse is closely sextile and trine Jupiter. If you have any major placements around 15-17 degrees of the Fire or Air Signs, you may find Fate suddenly intervening in your life… and it’s on your side for once.

November: Jupiter square Saturn sees many of the same obstacles that mid-September presented, except without so much help from Uranus.

December 8th: Jupiter turns retrograde at 22 Leo. This could be an especially beneficial time if you have a major placement around 18-24 degrees of the Fire or Air Signs, and could be a huge nuisance if you have a major placement around 18-24 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio, or for those Houses in your chart.

January 1st 2015: Happy New Year, and Happy Exact Mars-Jupiter Opposition! A better-than average opportunity for drunken brawls, unwise romantic encounters, and blistering hangovers. You’ve been warned!

Mid February-End Of March: Jupiter trine Uranus, except this time without Saturn messing things up so much. Let your brilliant ideas fly (provided you aren’t violating the Laws of Physics. In the event of a conflict between “your brilliant ideas” and “the laws of Physics,” Physics still wins).

April 9th: Jupiter goes direct again. Expect happy results for your major placements near 10-14 of the Fire or Air Signs, and loan your tranquilizers out to your friends with major placements in the same degrees of Taurus or Scorpio.

June-mid July, 2015: Jupiter trine Uranus again. By now, your Taurus and Scorpio friends have you on speed dial, they’ve hopefully gotten their own prescriptions, and you’ve learned some patience.

Mid July-Early August: Saturn sneaks back far enough into Scorpio to square Jupiter as it leaves Leo. Your Taurus and Scorpio placements are overcoming their challenges and becoming transcendentally aware of the nature of Existence Itself… or have perhaps checked themselves in for a long stay at a recovery center in the countryside.

August 12, 2015: As is so often the case with a planetary transit through Leo, the party is over, and now it’s Virgo’s time to clean up the mess.

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PS: Daft Punk, people!

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