beliefnet astrology matthew currie zayn malikFull disclosure: by popular culture standards, I’m an old guy. Like old guys everywhere, I tend to look down my nose at whatever music is popular with teenagers these days. In all fairness though, I always have, even when I was a teenager myself. Frankly, it’s the astrology and not the music that has me looking at Zayn Malik today, because his case is a fantastic example of how transits can spell trouble for a person, especially when Eclipses are thrown into the mix.

Also, kids… when I was your age I used to look down my nose at Duran Duran. Sure, “Hungry Like The Wolf” was catchy as anything, but after that point they started to annoy me. (Ask your mother who Duran Duran was if this name doesn’t ring any bells. Then ask her how much aerosol hairspray she used back then, and what happened to the ozone layer as a result.)

Speculating about who or what broke up a band is as old as time itself, or at least as old as the Beatles and Yoko Ono. (Ask your grandmother who those were if the names don’t ring any bells. Then ask her why her generation promised us a peaceful rebellion that would make the world a better place, but things still totally suck.) In this case though, the cause is pretty obvious: the planets that brought One Direction together are pulling them apart, at least in the case of Zayn.

Nonetheless, despite my old-coot status, news about Zayn Malik (who recently quit the band One Direction, has caught my attention) and the astrology involved is incredibly revealing. First of all: this is a classic case of the Uranus-Pluto square both giving and taking away. He first reached public fame in April of 2010, when Pluto was sextile his Ascendant, and he auditioned for X Factor. And — get this — when One Direction formed that autumn, transiting Uranus was at 29 degrees Pisces — right where the last Solar Eclipse was a couple of weeks ago.

Since then, he has left the group, 50,000 Twitter followers un-followed him, a new single was released on the Internet then taken down, and all references to him have been removed from One Direction’s stage show. Whoa.

Now? Uranus is square his Mercury (ruler of his Seventh House — partnerships) and Pluto is conjunct his natal Uranus-Neptune conjunction, and the Lunar Eclipse is square that Mercury. Ouch.

But now here’s the kicker: his Midheaven — indicator of career — is ruled by Jupiter. And the April 4 lunar eclipse is happening exactly on the is Jupiter. Some people will tell you that it affects of an eclipse can be felt before the actual event itself. That’s verging on being a little too mind-bending for my tastes, but this would appear to be an example of exactly that. Even without that, it’s pretty obvious that the next few months of Zayn’s public life are likely to be a little tumultuous

So: this is a story I’ll be keeping an eye on as it develops over the next few months, and that Eclipse remains in effect until the next set of Eclipses in the fall. Eclipses bring surprises — and not all surprises are inherently bad, are they?

See now? Your transits don’t seem so bad, do they? Well, at least they aren’t happening in the public eye…

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