Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation!
(CLICK HERE for more on what The Void of Course Moon actually is, and what you can do about it — or rather, what you should avoid doing during that time. Looking for tips on handling those times when they happen? Click HERE.)
July 2015 is unusual in that it will see not one but two Full Moons. There is no particular significance to this other than the fact that it will give you the opportunity to experience unusual agitation and moodiness twice while only having to flip the page on your calendar once.
What’s much more significant is the New Moon on the 15th. The New Moon is always a good time to plan out how you want the next month your life to be different from last month, and since the particular New Moon is square Uranus and Mars is square Pluto, your plans should carry additional punch. Like, really serious punch. Like, put that chainsaw down punch.
One piece of good news for July? Despite Mars still being in Cancer, it is statistically unlikely you will kill anyone in an outburst of spiteful rage, and it is unlikely anyone will do that to you. You’ll probably feel like it at some point though, and so will the others around you, so let’s all play nice out there okay?
Venus goes retrograde on the 25th in Leo, which means that your general fretfulness over hairstyles will continue for about a month longer than expected. Sorry about that — blame the humidity.
Next day on the 26th, Uranus goes retrograde at 20 degrees Aries. Among other things, this means that any weirdness and annoyances but the planets in your birth chart near the 20 degree mark have experienced in the last month or so will likely be aggravated. Again, feel free to blame the humidity… or Mars in Cancer.
Note: Times listed are for time zone 5 hours West, DST is observed… or as we say in New York, “you do the math, pal!”
Particularly long and annoying Voids are marked with **
July 3, 2015 6:38 AM Moon sextile Saturn V/C
July 3, 2015 8:21 AM Moon enters Aquarius
July 5, 2015 8:31 AM Moon square Saturn V/C
July 5, 2015 10:23 AM Moon enters Pisces
July 7, 2015 10:36 AM Moon trine Saturn V/C
July 7, 2015 12:37 PM Moon enters Aries
July 9, 2015 9:47 AM Moon trine Venus V/C**
July 9, 2015 3:49 PM Moon enters Taurus
July 11, 2015 5:52 PM Moon opposite Saturn V/C
July 11, 2015 8:16 PM Moon enters Gemini
July 13, 2015 11:31 PM Moon sextile Venus V/C
July 14, 2015 2:14 AM Moon enters Cancer
July 16, 2015 7:24 AM Moon trine Saturn V/C
July 16, 2015 10:15 AM Moon enters Leo
July 18, 2015 5:41 PM Moon square Saturn V/C
July 18, 2015 8:47 PM Moon enters Virgo
July 21, 2015 6:06 AM Moon sextile Saturn V/C
July 21, 2015 9:23 AM Moon enters Libra
July 23, 2015 2:12 PM Moon sextile Jupiter V/C
July 23, 2015 10:07 PM Moon enters Scorpio
July 26, 2015 5:14 AM Moon conjunct Saturn V/C
July 26, 2015 8:24 AM Moon enters Sagittarius
July 28, 2015 9:37 AM Moon trine Jupiter V/C**
July 28, 2015 2:47 PM Moon enters Capricorn
July 30, 2015 2:50 PM Moon sextile Saturn V/C
July 30, 2015 5:40 PM Moon enters Aquarius