Your introduction to Saturn in Sagittarius (and details for the other eleven Signs) is HERE. I’ll update it every three months or so, so keep coming back!

What’s in it for me?

“Saturn in Sagittarius” means that Saturn is now in your Eighth House and will remain there until December 2017, and regardless of the transits it makes to individual points in your chart along the way, it will also have a general effect on the Eighth House matters in your life… things that people used to say “shouldn’t be discussed in polite company” like your sex life and your credit score and death (more likely how you think about death, not YOUR death, so don’t panic Taurus. You look fine to me.)

What kind of effect does Saturn usually have?

Saturn brings structure and order and discipline to your life, which are all good and necessary things. Unfortunately it has a bad reputation, because frankly most people love the idea of “structure and order” until it is imposed on them… like a home with a leaky roof that you keep patching and ignoring over and over again until the thing finally caves in on you one day. Listen to what The Universe is telling you needs repair or restoration or throwing out in your life, take action, and ultimately your life will be much better, and you will have avoided the roof falling on your head and smashing your collection of vintage Batman collectables.

But yeah: no one ever really calls Saturn “fun,” unless they are either being sarcastic or are hoping your roof collapses on you.

That sounds awful!

There are things in life you’ve just got to deal with, no matter how awkward they are. Like: when someone else’s values and desires conflict with yours. Or: when the intimacy in your relationship isn’t there any more, or has mutated into something you have a problem with. Or when you discover that the phrase “Easy Credit!” in no way shape or form implies “easy to pay off.” And for Taurus — with its reputation for being good with sex and/or money — this could be a particularly challenging transit.

So Saturn in Sagittarius might actually be good news for me?

Yes, if you respond to the challenges you’ll face in the departments of your life listed above with hard work, discipline, and a little faith in yourself and in The Universe in general.

Something to contemplate…

“Now, that, I got me some Seagram’s gin
Everybody got they cups, but they ain’t chipped in
Now this types of things happens all the time
You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine”

Are you really “getting YOURS,” and if so… can you afford to pay the tab at the end of the evening?

Anything else?

Two things: first of all, don’t panic over this Saturn transit. It’s going to cover a two year period, and even if it makes trouble for you at times it’s not like every day of that period is going to stink. Secondly: no matter what House Saturn is passing through on your birth chart, you should always remember that the transits of all the planets, specific to your birth chart, is what will tell the whole story. That’s when it comes in handy knowing an astrologer who offers discounts to first-time clients. Just sayin’.

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