(More on readings and how the practical application of astrology can make your planet a better place? Click here!)

When I say I’m an astrologer, most people don’t really know what the job entails, and that job varies from practitioner to practitioner. Let me tell you what I do.

I am a counselor, much like a regular counselor you’d see if there was a problem with your love life or your finances or your health or family. In many ways, it’s exactly that straightforward. Unlike most standard counselors, I don’t have to spend weeks or months fishing around for the finer details of your existence. I certainly don’t know EVERYTHING from looking at a birth chart, but it saves a tremendous amount of time that way. I took a lot of psych and counseling courses in college, and I find being an astrologer does a much better job of getting to the point and find real solutions than the standard counseling process.

With a birth chart in place, we can figure out fairly quickly, and in detail, exactly who you are, where you’re at, and where you’re headed.

Here is what I DON’T do:

I don’t tell you what (if anything) God, the Universe, Karma, or whatever really wants from you, or why. I don’t feel it’s my place to expound on these things. A doctor can tell you to change your diet or exercise more or whatever… but your doctor certainly shouldn’t pass himself off as a divine, all-knowing sage. There are a lot of people in my line of work who come across this way. I’m not comfortable with that. If I was, I’d be a priest or a rabbi or something.

If your sink is clogged, your plumber may advise you to stop pouring bacon fat down the drain. If he spends 45 minutes first telling you about the bad karma you generated during a past life as a pig farmer in Atlantis, does that get the water flowing any faster?

I provide guidance and clarity and a context for life, plus an assessment of where things are going to go… both for yourself and for the others in your life.

Welcome aboard. I hope to see you come back soon. Heck, I might even make it worth your while.

(Oh, and one more thing: yes, I can see your future too…)

Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!

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