Saturn square Neptune is making it difficult for many of us to make realistic long-term plans for ourselves, or for us to figure out where we fit in the Universe.

This week the ongoing Saturn-Neptune Square reaches another exact peak, and we’re all likely to feel the effects on some level or another. As difficult transits go, this one is inherently a bit weird to explain (although I’ve done so before) because of the nature of the planets and the aspect involved. Let me give you the simplest possible description:

Saturn wants order and stability — the kind of order and stability that a well-crafted Swiss watch embodies, or that you encounter when your flight takes off and lands exactly on time with no hitches or surprise body-cavity searches. Neptune has its own sense of order, but it’s much harder to describe. Remember that time you took that stuff in college that totally expanded your mind and made you realize that all consciousness is One (but damned if you could remember the details the next morning)? These may seem totally opposite from each other (and they mostly are), but both are completely necessary for a well-rounded existence.

These two very different energies are currently interacting with each other via the “square” aspect. By “interacting,” I mean the same way a person struggling to pull a towel from the jaws of a large dog is “interacting” with that dog. Nothing much is likely to be resolved, and odds are good something will get torn or someone will be injured.

We all have larger plans for our lives, but we express those in different ways. Some people have a Vision Board and a ready answer to the classic interview question “where do you see yourself in five years?” Other people have a larger plan for their lives that involves regular trips to the liquor store. In either case, coming up with a grand strategy by which to run your life has probably been more difficult than usual for you lately. As a Sagittarius (the Sign that Saturn is in and Neptune is squaring) I have been acutely aware of this lately. The usual questions a Sagittarius asks him/herself (“What is the meaning of life? Am I fulfilling my purpose on Earth? Do I have time to get to the liquor store before it closes?”) are just getting harder and harder to answer… and yet struggle with Life’s Great Questions, I must.

…Which brings me to the story about how my new neighbors have completely ruined what is left of my fragile mind.


Look. Just look at this, will you?

beliefnet astrology matthew currie saturn square neptune

This is a doormat, made out of four separate squares of material. It forms a cowhide pattern… or does it?

You see, I’ve been starting at this thing for a couple of weeks now, and the patterns on the four individual squares will not form a contiguous pattern no matter how you arrange them. I know, because I have spent hours staring at this abomination, trying to work it out in my head…

Meanwhile: What is the meaning of life? I don’t know, but it’s hard to image life has any real Higher Purpose at all when things like this mismatched, threadbare hobgoblin can be allowed to exist.

Am I fulfilling my purpose on Earth? No, because I haven’t figured out how to make the pattern on that verdammt doormat work yet.

Do I have time to get to the liquor store before it closes? No, because I spent all day with that rubber-backed Demon of Insanity taunting me.


Saturn square Neptune is making it difficult for many of us to make realistic long-term plans for ourselves, or for us to figure out where we fit in the Universe. That, and the neighbor’s doormat isn’t helping any.

See also: The Astrology Of Mars: George Zimmerman Has A Temper

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