I’ve been doing a little Internet archaeology recently attempting to determine an answer to the all important question: what was the first astrology blog, ever? If you put “first astrology blog ever” into Google, the first result you will get in most cases is incorrect. So I decided to do a little digging through the dark recesses of archive.org, and what I found there is not only fascinating, but frankly is making me feel a little old.

The Internet has been around and a part of public consciousness one way or another since the early 1990s, and of course was developed long before that. Blogging has been around since the early 1990s – in fact there were blogs before the word “blogging” even existed. In the early days there were discussion forums in places like Genie and Xanga and AOL, but those don’t actually count as blogs.

For our purposes, I’m going to define a blog as “a discrete site on the internet — either with its own URL or as a distinctly separate section on another website — where a person writes about a specific subject, often drawing on their own personal experiences.”

Here are the three oldest examples of astrology blogs on the internet that I’ve been able to find:

First off, we have Astronet which started in 1993, and although whether or not it conforms to someone’s modern definition of “blog” is debatable, it fits my criteria:

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Then there is the much-beloved Bay Area astrologer Rob Brezsny, whose first site sprang to life in 1998:

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And here from 1998 is Frank Piechoski, and the astrology blog has reached its modern form. Also, by this point, we also had the word “blog” to describe it.

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The most obvious astrological observation I can make around this subject is that the whole astrology blog concept really got rolling in the mid-Nineties, not surprisingly during the long Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn.

If you know of any astrology blogs older than these, let me know in the comments section and I’ll keep this blog entry updated

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