matthew currie astrology venus in aries venus in taurus(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.)

For thousands of years poets and philosophers have commented on the complexities of the human heart and how difficult it can be to find True Love — and that was before people had to remember their username and password on a dating site. All the same basics still apply though, and if you want to understand a person’s Love Style in their birth chart, you start with Venus. Let’s have a look at the basics for the first two Venus Signs, and then check out their recent activity on the Internet as they search for love and companionship in between watching adorable kitten videos)


Venus in Aries is no blushing bride or wallflower: she’s into adventure. This is considered a “debilitated” placement for Venus, and maybe that’s why she isn’t so “ladylike” in this Sign. Venus in Aries often needs more than the average amount of attention in a relationship, but if you’re doing the relationship right, your partner will return the favor. Venus in Aries people are good at (and are fond of) impulsive romantic gestures, surprise gifts, and stalking. Even women with Venus in Aries like to be the Knight in Shining Armor in their relationships in one form or another. If someone can find a way to keep the excitement ongoing in a relationship with this Venus, they’ve got someone they can keep for life. Probably, that is, until she gets bored.

“Dear PantherFan66: Thanks for writing back! To answer your question, yes I am still available and still interested. So here’s what I propose: Friday, 8 PM, Mickey McFlynn’s. Get there 15 minutes early — I want one of those tables in the back corner. Order the nachos to start. I won’t be hungry, but I want to watch your technique. You have a maximum of 20 minutes to discuss your romantic past, then it’s my turn. We’ll stay there until 11:15, at which time we can either leave together or I can pretend to get a call telling me my place is on fire and I’ll leave. If I’m still there, we can come back to my place, have sex for 45 minutes, and if you do a good enough job, we can catch a movie Saturday.”


Earning the affections of someone with Venus in Taurus can be like trying to pry the lid off the sweetest jar of pickles on the shelf: it’s a lot of work, you’ll be expected to strain, and (if that lid ever comes off) it’s worth the effort. Venus in Taurus is more fond of food and material comfort than the average person, and probably has some talent at providing one or the other. Affections are strong and steady with this placement. Venus in Taurus has mastered the art of the cuddle. She have a lot of the qualities that people look for in a mate, which is probably why Venus in Taurus tends to be a little lazy in the pursuit of love… when you’ve got the goods, let the other guy do the work. This Venus Sign comes equipped with a good sense of fashion and a bad sense of compromise, so it’s important that your mate look good, and look good with you.

“Hello gentlemen. I’m an affectionate and caring woman who is seeking her soul mate. I don’t particularly care what you do for a living or what you look like, provided you are employed in the financial sector, and are at least a 7.5 out of 10. I would prefer a man who takes care of himself and exercises regularly, as this will help balance out my fondness for anything deep fried. If this sounds interesting, write me today. Also, please send an outline of what you plan for our first date, and a description of the car you’ll pick me up in (Prius owners need not apply). Race is not important, but I prefer a man who doesn’t clash with my new living room set, which I am still paying for.”

NEXT TIME: Venus in Gemini and Venus in Cancer (or, “how to get happy with Yappy and Sappy”)

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