matthew currie astrology venus libra venus scorpio(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.)

Love: is it the sweetest thing, or is it a battlefield? That’s the primary difference in the approaches that Venus in Libra and Venus in Scorpio take to the people and/or things that they love. Libra is ruled by Venus, so this is naturally thought of as a particularly good placement. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto (and traditionally, Mars) — and that’s not the sort of energy you’d normally associate with flowers and heart-shaped boxes of candy. Both these Venus placements go all-in with love, once they’ve decided to go for it.

Here’s a brief outline of how each placement works, followed by an excerpt from each of these Venus Sign’s online dating activity…

Venus in Libra

Venus in Libra is considered to be an excellent placement, making you fond of romance, partnership, sweetness, decorative touches, and compromise. The problem for people involved with you is that it can be hard to see the real you behind all those thoughtful gestures and knick-knacks. You have a particular appreciation for intelligent, well-spoken companions. Venus in Libra appreciates the fine art of debate, but not the bruised feelings that often result. You probably have a good ear for music, a good eye for details, and a hard time passing up a sale. Venus in Libra people are usually kind and understanding with children and small animals, but risk bringing their own up without enough discipline. Regardless of your looks, the opposite sex probably likes you. And regardless of your numerous past experiences, you probably like them too.

“Hello Men. I am an attractive, intelligent, and charming single lady looking for her Mr. Right. My friends all tell me I’d make a great catch, and I’ve decided its time to get serious. I have recently graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with an emphasis on Relationship Counseling, and a minor in Food Prep. I’d like to thank all of you who responded to my ad in past. Where did you guys all go after I wrote you back? Did you delete your ads or just block me? Was it something I said? Why does no one want to get married anymore? This marriage license expires in another two weeks, and I’d hate to have to pay for another one.”

Venus in Scorpio

Venus in Scorpio is perhaps best described as “spicy.” Lots of people like spicy things, but what they usually expect from Venus is sweetness. Thus, romantically, over the long term you can cause a lot of unintentional heartburn. People with this Venus placement have tremendous depth and intensity in their relationships, which can be a good thing in the long term — or a complete nuisance. You can pull off the “slutty” look better than most. Have you ever seen a nature film of two ants fighting and one gets its head ripped off… but keeps fighting anyway? That head is you, when you focus you romantic intentions on someone. As a mate, you bring a lot to the table, and it can be hard to find someone with the energy and focus to play along. You have high emotional standards for your relationships, and may have a hard time finding a mere mortal who can live up to that.

“Dear YoSupDawg: Your ad really caught my attention. You stand out above the other freaks and losers I’ve seen on this site. You really seem to have it all together, and I like that. About me: I work downtown at a bank and I enjoy playing poker and spending time with my cat in my spare time. There. Now that you’ve gotten to know me a little better, we should meet this weekend. Clear your calendar. I have you Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon. We’ll start with dinner. We can split the bill, and then I take over for the remainder of the date. Tell your friends you’re going to be ‘tied up’ for the rest of the weekend. No, that wasn’t a figure of speech.”

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