Let’s take a look at Saturn. I mean literally, let’s take a look at Saturn. See that ring? Beautiful, isn’t it? What most people don’t realize about Saturn’s rings are that they are composed of billions of tiny little particles all held in a perfect dance between gravity and momentum, maintaining their fragile design despite…

As we bumbled out of Africa, we brought language with us. A funny thing happened along the way: languages started using fewer sounds. The complexity of inner lives didn’t become any simpler, and the challenges we faced didn’t get any easier. But we dropped some phonemes and made some alterations, and by the time we…

Just because Saturn is leaving Sagittarius and the Galactic Center doesn’t mean its effects on the Human Collective are coming to an end. If a transit makes your legs fall off on a Monday, your shoe budget will be reduced from Tuesday onward. Saturn’s influence on the Galactic Center (where we connect to things much,…

Suppose you have an important message to send, and Mercury is retrograde. Should you wait? Ideally, you probably should. Life doesn’t always work like that though, and whether we’re talking astrology or otherwise, in life you have to play the hand you are dealt. If you have to send an important message during a Mercury…

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