beliefnet astrology matthew currie incompatible signsA typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve types of people, and here’s what’s going to happen to them today.”

This “horoscope” is a listing of the major planetary aspects, ingresses, and events for May 2018. Each aspect is described below, with the date the aspect is exact and a “+/-” which indicates the number of days that aspect will be most in effect. Generally, the closer to the exact date, the more pronounced the effect of the transit. And of course, as with everything else in life: your mileage may vary.

But first, a word about aspects in general. Conjunctions, squares and oppositions can all be difficult. They generate the sort of energy that can get all up in your face and is hard to ignore, but it’s hard to get much done in life without the raw energy they supply. Trines and sextiles are helpful and constructive, but it’s easy to miss out on the opportunities they provide unless you make an effort.

May 6      Sun sextile Neptune
(+/- 3 days) General good will and small, random acts of kindness will get you further than usual.

May 7       Mercury square Pluto
(+/- 3 days) Try to maintain control of harsh words and disruptive thoughts.

May 7       Venus square Neptune
(+/- 3 days) Big enthusiastic affections and expressions — but how practical are they, really?

May 9       Sun opposite Jupiter
(+/- 3 days) Too much of a good thing, you say? Well, have five more scoops of it and tell me if you still think so!

May 11       Sun trine Pluto
(+/- 5 days) Do something to boost your self-esteem, but don’t get too high on your own supply.

May 12       Mercury square Mars
(+/- 3 days) Do you really have brilliant insights to share with the world, or are you just in a mood to shout at someone?

May 13       Mercury conjunct Uranus
(+/- 3 days) There are a lot of exciting and bright new ideas out there, and some of them are yours. Also, some of them might not be that practical.

May 16       Mars square Uranus
(+/- 10 days) Tempers and sex drives can become awkward, uncomfortable, and unexpected. Keep an eye on your blood pressure — both figuratively and literally.

May 18       Mercury trine Saturn
(+/- 3 days) Thoughts and ideas can take root in practical application.

May 19       Venus sextile Uranus
(+/- 3 days) New and unusual attractions, and new energy to liven up your love life.

May 23       Mercury sextile Neptune
(+/- 3 days) You are able to see the world in a more spiritual and holistic manner and can communicate those feelings well, but…

May 23       Mercury opposite Jupiter
(+/- 3 days) …do you really need to go on and on and on about it?

May 24       Sun trine Mars
(+/- 3 days) Good energy levels and positive vibes can help you feel better about yourself and your life in general.

May 25       Jupiter trine Neptune
(+/- 12 days) An island of peace in an ocean of madness. “Eat, pray, love” isn’t just a book or a movie… it’s also a good idea.

May 25       Mercury trine Pluto
(+/-4 days) Don’t let deep, penetrating thoughts lead to deep, penetrating woulds from (or to) others. Speak wisely.

May 26       Venus opposite Saturn
(+/- 3 days) A bit of a chill blows into your love life, but with it comes some clarity and perspective.

June 1       Mercury trine Mars
(+/- 3 days) Bold breakthroughs on intellectual tasks, and maybe a bit too much of people getting up in your face and blathering on and on…

June 1       Venus trine Jupiter
Venus trine Jupiter (+/- 3 days) Why can’t we all just get along? Maybe under this aspect we can, for at least a little while.

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