There is an answer to that which I’ve been learning for over 20 years, but I am still learning it: astrology is good for a lot of things. Astrology, like life itself, doesn’t just concern itself with the big moments and the major events and who you truly are and what makes others tick and the great victories and the tragic defeats. It does all that of course, but it’s also there in the small moments of quiet delight and little aches.
I try not to reveal too much of myself in my writing, because ultimately I’m not that much of an exhibitionist. But I’ll let you know that as I write this, transiting Uranus in Taurus is beating the crap out of my Venus, and Pluto continues to lurk closely opposite my Moon. So although overall my life has been good of late, I am now facing a crushing hammer-blow of sorrow over some things. Any textbook could tell what those transits mean, but as any decent nurse or physician can tell you, there’s a lot more to the human experience that what’s in the text book — and any decent astrologer can do you more good than just reading off a laundry list of generic interpretations.
(Meanwhile though: transiting Jupiter and Neptune are doing wonders for me. See how the bad news always grabs the headlines?)
Therein lies the real blessing of Astrology: perspective.
So yes: astrology can describe your personality and explain why your love life is in the state it is and why you hate your job and what you can do about it all, and so on. But it’s more than that. It’s a way to really understand the daily rhythms of the Universe. Saturn transits can make your life difficult for a few months, but even quick little lunar transits–the ones that only last for a few hours– can bring you a shot at happiness and comfort for a few hours a few times a month. And the tough lunar transits, once understood, can clarify that things aren’t really THAT bad now — they just feel that way, and this too shall pass.
Astrology can be both so much more than just avoiding the storms and plotting a course to smooth seas. Although maybe knowing something like “the next few weeks will suck,” doesn’t sound like the most meaningful use of the ancient art of astrology ever, it can certainly be a comfort knowing the storm will pass. I can look at the position of the Moon now and know that as I’m writing this I’m a sloppy emotional mess, but by the time this article hits the Internet, things will probably be a little better. Mars will still be agitating and Saturn will still be constricting, but my mood will be better equipped to handle it.
And when you get right down to it: sometimes life is all about “handling it.” The conditions will change, and eventually they will start to improve even after the most difficult of times. Knowing that can be a tremendous help, and taking full advantage of the little breaks can be vital to retaining your hope and your sanity.
Understanding your strengths and your weaknesses can be vital for making the most out of your life. And understanding that at times, no matter how hard you try things won’t work out… and that there will be other times when the lucky breaks will simply appear… can make a world of difference. It can be the morale builder that keeps you going until things turn your away again.
That, and sometimes it’s good to know that a bad day is just one bad day. The Universe hasn’t kicked you to the curb just yet.
So: stick around, Dear Reader, and keep coming back. We’ll get through this together, and come out better on the other side.
Curious about how my new e-book: “Saturn Trine Uranus: Playing With Power” can help you work with this energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!