The Internet tells us that astrology is now really big with Millennials (and the Internet is never wrong about anything, is it?). On the one hand, this is good news for astrologers and astrology in general. Who doesn’t love being popular?
Despite this, I have some concerns about how astrology is being presented in many places on the Internet.

It seems like there is a tendency to chase after this particular demographic with articles that are kind of heavy on the graphics…

… And maybe a bit light on actual, factual information.

Astrology, like life itself, is pretty complicated. And I understand how daunting it can be for the casual reader to suddenly encounter an article that is heavy on technical details.

This is one of the reasons why “Sun Sign Astrology” continues to be the gateway drug that gets people interested in the good stuff.

And hey… there’s nothing inherently wrong with looking good, is there?

But I sometimes worry that this approach to astrology one sees on so many websites is not doing astrology a service at all.

We all have a certain tendency to look for easy answers in life, and life rarely provides those.

Or perhaps I should say: easy answers aren’t always correct answers.

Sometimes I wonder if I should modify my approach to writing this blog in order to draw in more readers with an approach that is brighter and shinier but more superficial.

Oh… okay. I’ll give it a try just this once.

Next time, though? It’s back to the nitty-gritty of aspects and transits and so on. No, honestly!
Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!