beliefnet lunar eclipse forecast astrology matthew currieEvery calendar year comes with its fair share of Eclipses (or more than its fair share, like in 2018). In 2019 we’ll see a similar situation, with five Eclipses coming.

There are a few simple keys to understanding how an Eclipse works. An Eclipse doesn’t necessarily make its effects known the day it hits. Rather, an Eclipse marks out a point in your birth chart that stays in effect until the next set of Eclipses. That point is sensitive to transits, and how it manifests in your life will depend on a couple of factors:

1) Which House of your birth chart the Eclipse falls in. One of the old-school astrological rules about Eclipses that I find works well is that an Eclipse will have much more dramatic results if it falls above the horizon in your birth chart — in other words, in your 7th to 12th Houses. If an Eclipse falls below the horizon in your birth chart, you shouldn’t dismiss it entirely, but you shouldn’t lose any sleep over it either.

2) If an Eclipse closely conjuncts, opposes, or squares (within about 3 or 4 degrees) an important point in your birth chart (a major planet, the Ascendant/Descendant, or the Midheaven/IC), then pay attention! That Eclipse is likely to have a significant effect.

Finally: remember that Eclipses tend to bring surprises, but not all surprises are necessarily bad.


January 5, 2019: Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 degrees Capricorn

This Eclipse lands right in the thick of Jupiter square Neptune, and is closely riding the midpoint between Saturn at 11 degrees Capricorn and Pluto at 20 Capricorn. If you’re thinking “hey, this could be the start of something big,” then you’re almost right: that “something big” actually has been around for a while, and was brought to the forefront by the July 12th, 2018 Eclipse.

January 21, 2019: Lunar Eclipse at 0 degrees Aquarius

This Eclipse features a close Venus-Jupiter conjunction, square Neptune and in a close trine to Venus in Aries. If nothing else, since a Lunar Eclipse is also a Full Moon, this could make for the wildest Monday night of action that your local singles bar has seen in ages.

July 2, 2019: Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer

There’s also a Mercury-Mars in early Leo conjunction happening, and that conjunction is square Uranus at 5 degrees Taurus. Remember: sometimes the key to success is to just keep your damn fool mouth shut and not over-react to things.

July 16, 2019: Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Capricorn

Sun trine Neptune and Moon sextile Neptune? Sounds like a nice, warm and fuzzy time, doesn’t it? Not so fast: this Eclipse happens with Venus in Cancer conjunct the North Node, with both very closely opposite Saturn. That could have a chilling effect on romance and finance, and that Mars-Uranus square is still in effect. This one could cause a few breakups…

December 26, 2019: Solar Eclipse at 4 degrees Capricorn

People tend to over-react to Eclipses, fearing the worst from them. But this Eclipse features a Sun-Moon-Jupiter conjunction, with Mars in Scorpio sextile Saturn and Pluto. This could be the most happy and productive Eclipse you’ve seen in ages… but as always (dependent on the specifics of your birth chart), your mileage may vary.


Even without knowing a lot of astrology or having your own birth chart memorized, there is one simple way to tell if you should pay special attention to any of the above Eclipses. Were you particularly affected by the July 18, 2018 Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer? If so, you might want to keep a close eye on the January 5th and July 16th 2019 Eclipses. Did the July 27, 2018 Eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius ring your bell? That’s a heads-up for the January 21, 2019 Eclipse.

Finally: did you happen to notice all the activity along the Cancer-Capricorn axis this year and in 2019? Pay attention to that, because it’s all related to the biggest astrological news of 2019. Keep coming back, and I’ll get to that soon!

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