beliefnet astrology matthew currie mental healthFirst of all, if you are currently experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings, you don’t need to be reading this. You need to go to Google, type in the word “suicide,” and click on the first link you see that offers help. Get help now, come back later. No point in me keeping on writing these things if you aren’t going to be around to read them, right?


In my last entry in this series, I delineated some of the many potential risk factors in a birth chart that can indicate a tendency towards mental illness. As you may recall, I also pointed out that these factors are so common that pretty much everyone should be mentally ill all the time (if you take the interpretations literally, that is). So perhaps rather than ask whether or not any given birth chart demonstrates signs of mental illness, we might be better to focus on when mental illness is going to manifest itself.

It’s probably better to observe the practical results, note what transits tend trigger potentially harmful thoughts or actions, and then keep an eye out for those in future. This (to me) is one of the great strengths of getting a reading from an astrologer if you or someone you love is dealing with issues of mental illness. Everyone has good days and bad days, and the transits to the birth chart can spot trigger points that occurred in the past, and (more importantly) when they are coming in future. Forewarned is forearmed.

In the latest episode of my new podcast, Radio Free Astrology, that is exactly what I do. Are curious to see what really happens in a reading, and what the real practical value of a reading can be? I recommend you click on the player below and have a listen. That’s one of the great things about podcasts, isn’t it? You can play it in the background and listen while you go about your regular business of being annoyed with people on Twitter or playing with your cat.

Here’s the show. Click and have a listen. I think you will find it interesting and informative.

Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!

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