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“In war, truth is the first casualty.”
The troubled marriage and breakup of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has re-emerged in the headlines recently. An hour-long recording released by The Daily Mail of a conversation between the two seems to have Amber admitting that she is the violent one in the relationship. This runs counter to the previous narrative that Johnny Depp was the abuser, or that perhaps both of them were.
There are two important considerations here. First, in astrology as with everything else, hindsight is 20/20. Second, anyone with Mars anywhere in their birth chart is capable of anger. In theory, someone with a more problematic Mars is more prone to violence — but that’s far from guaranteed. Mars is good for a lot of things. It can make you athletic, or good with machinery, or a good chef. You don’t have to be all of those things, you don’t have to be any of those things, and you don’t have to hit someone if you don’t want to.
I’m going to have a brief look at Mars in the birth charts of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, with an eye on the potential for violence.
First, Johnny (born June 9th 1963, 8:44 AM, Owensboro Kentucky) has Mars is at 3 degrees Virgo, closely conjunct his Uranus and also within conjunction range of Pluto. Many might consider that to be one of the pre-existing conditions for an abuser. In my case though? When I see this in a birth chart, my first question is more likely to be about blood pressure and circulation.
Other than the conjunction to Uranus and Pluto, not much else in Johnny’s chart makes a fairly strong aspect to his Mars. His Midheaven is closely trine his Mars, so his Mars appears to be manifesting itself as dedication to his craft more than anything else.

Amber has some potential issues with her Mars too. She was born April 22nd 1986, unknown time, Austin Texas. Not knowing the time of birth doesn’t help us much, but even without that we can see that she has Mercury square Mars, which can often make for an agitated temperament. Her moon in Libra is probably also closely square her Mars, and that two can make for emotional volatility.
What I find really telling is the condition of Mars in their composite chart. In the composite, Mars is at 7 degrees Scorpio, and the only major aspect to it from any other point in the chart is a very weak opposition from Mercury at 0 degrees Taurus. I have written about an unaspected Mars before and how it can manifest. Anyone here remember Suzy Favor Hamilton?
Perhaps the best indicator of who might most be at blame here is that in March 2015 Johnny Depp lost the tip of a finger on his left hand and had to have it reattached. At the time, it was claimed this was because he angrily punched a wall. After that, it was claimed the fingertip came off because Amber Heard threw a vodka bottle at him. In the recording released by The Daily Mail, Amber all but admits that this was her doing. I should point out that at the time, Amber was having her Mars square, with transiting Uranus also square her Mars. On the other hand, at that time there were no significant transits to Johnny’s Mars at all.
There are now growing calls for action against Amber Heard. The accusations of abuse seem to have hurt Johnny’s career. I personally don’t want to get into that particular subject here. My main point is simply that, on balance, the astrology tends to support the notion that Amber was the abuser and not Johnny. But astrology, like human relationships, is complicated and nuanced.
What’s the one thing I can say for sure? If you are in a abusive relationship, get out. Don’t make excuses for your abuser. It’s possible to love someone who’s no good for you, but voluntarily taking that crap isn’t making either of you the least bit better.
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