Hello, people of the world! It’s a new day, and everything is awesome! After a ridiculously long and painful six months of Mars in Aries, the War God Planet has finally moved into nice, placid Taurus, and the world will thus suddenly become calmer and peaceful.

UPDATE: No. That’s not how it works.

(No matter what transits are happening, how they play out in your life depends on your individual birth chart. Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll send you a copy and a free sneak preview!)

First of all, let’s get one thing out of the way. Mars was supposedly “strong” in Aries because Mars rules Aries, and Mars in Taurus is supposedly “weak.” On one level or another, there may be an element of truth to that. However, whether in a birth chart or by transit, the aspects from other planets are at least as important. More so, actually.

Put another way: you can put dandelions in a salad. You can make wine out of dandelions. Or you can earn the contempt of your neighbors if you have too many dandelions in your front yard. In each of these cases though, it’s all dandelions.

Likewise, although Mars in Taurus is considered to be a debilitated placement, that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is that Mars is currently within the square range of both Saturn and Jupiter, and conjunct Uranus in early Aquarius for most of January.

What does that mean, in practical terms though?

Have you ever been in a hurry for something you really wanted or really needed to, and been stuck at the end of a long line up, or perhaps been unnecessarily delayed by paperwork? That’s what Mars square Saturn is like. Now imagine that, but you’ve also had way too much caffeine today. That’s Mars square Jupiter.

Also, there is a rare tropical parasite burrowing through the frontal lobes of your brain and your judgment is seriously impaired. That’s Mars conjunct Uranus for you.

But fear not: there is at least some use to be gained from all this. As you may already know by now, The Big Deal Aspect for 2021 is Saturn square Uranus. This Mars transit may serve as a sneak preview/warning as to what that particular transit will be doing for/with/to you throughout the course of the year.

And hey — make it through that, and then Mars in Taurus in mid to late February will be trine Pluto. That ought to help reconstruct some things that blew up in 2020, right?

And then of course, in early March Mars enters Gemini, and all the Mars conflict with Jupiter and Saturn turns into opportunities. So, hang in there. One thing is for certain in astrology: if you stick around long enough, the difficult transits eventually go away…

Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!

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