Last time in this series, I wrote about the potentially great benefits we might get from Jupiter in Pisces. This time around, I’m going to look at the (potentially even better) news from Jupiter in Aries 2022.

Jupiter enters Aries on May 10, 2022. It makes its way to almost-9 degrees Aries, then turns retrograde, making a return visit to Pisces until December 2022, when it returns to Aries. But how will this be of use? Will this be the bold new heroic energy that sweeps in and saves us from the supervillain-riddled world that arose in 2020 and 2021?

(No matter what transits are happening, how they play out in your life depends on your individual birth chart. Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll send you a copy and a free sneak preview!)

First, I’d like to say a little something about the nature of Jupiter in Pisces versus Jupiter in Aries. There is a tendency to think of Jupiter in Pisces as being this Wise Old Woman front porch overlooking her garden, quietly sipping her tea contemplating her deep and fast wisdom in relative silence. Once Jupiter enters Aries, suddenly it turns into an overly-sugared 3-year-old running around the store screaming and knocking things off the shelves.

There may be a bit of truth to that, but that’s not where I’m focussing. I want to look at the aspect that Jupiter will be forming. So for purposes of this discussion, Jupiter in Aries may very well get you much better results than Jupiter in Pisces did. And that’s because the biggest major aspect Jupiter in Aries forms to an outer planet in 2022 is…


Hey, quit complaining. It might be doing some good for you personally, and we don’t have to worry about Jupiter square Pluto until 2023. With the way the world has gone the last two years? You’ve gotta catch those breaks when you get ’em.

Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!

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