Eclipses are inherently a little difficult to interpret. They rarely fulfill their true potential on the actual day they happen. Rather, they tend to leave a mark on your birth chart where they happened, and that mark can be triggered by transits to it when other transits are trying to send you a message.

That’s one of the reasons they are tricky to interpret. Also, there are already enough planets and important points in your birth chart subject to important transits that it’s easy to lose track of two more important points that get replaced every six months when the next set of Eclipses happens.

(No matter what transits are happening, how they play out in your life depends on your individual birth chart. Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll send you a copy and a free sneak preview!)

The other reason? Eclipses tend to bring unexpected events, and to be honest (speaking as someone whose job it is to describe the shape of your future to you). saying something like “oh, and also: expect the unexpected” always sounds like a bit of a cop-out to me.

Nonetheless, we ignore Eclipses at our peril. There are four Eclipses in 2022, and here’s the lowdown on them.

Partial Solar Eclipse, April 30 2022, at 10 degrees Taurus

Features: This Eclipse is in a close sextile to Mars, which could indicate “bold action.” Saturn is closely square the Nodes for this one, which strongly implies the capacity for breaking karmic bonds — for good or bad. It also features a close Venus-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, with Venus and Jupiter exactly conjunct — which strongly implies the potential for the forming of new, warm and fuzzy bonds.

Pay particular attention if: you have any major placements between 6 and 14 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius.


Total Lunar Eclipse, May 16 2022, at 25 degrees Scorpio

Features: Just when you thought you were done with being hassled by Saturn in Aquarius, here comes an Eclipse that is in a close square to it. Hopefully, the trine to Mars and Neptune and a sextile to Pluto will take the edge off and make it positive and productive. Hopefully.

Pay particular attention if: You have major placements between 21 and 29 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius.


Partial Solar Eclipse, October 2 2022, at 2 degrees Scorpio

Features: This Eclipse is exactly conjunct Venus. Could this mean big breakthroughs for your love life, finances, and/or diet? Fingers crossed!

Pay particular attention if: You have major placements between 0 and 6 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, or between 28-29 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.


Total Lunar Eclipse, November 8 2022, at 16 degrees Taurus

Features: Did we really need another damned thing square Saturn and conjunct Uranus, after what the Saturn-Uranus square has put us through in the last year and a half or so? (shrug) I guess. There’s also a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction happening in late Pisces, but the potential good news from that is muted by a square from Mars (traditional ruler of Scorpio) in late Gemini.

Pay particular attention if: You have major placements between 12 and 20 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius.

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