Here’s what’s coming up for you this week! Here you’ll find a listing of the major planetary aspects (exact date and time are listed, with a plus or minus range of days they’ll be in effect), and Moon aspects to help you gauge the mood. Moon Void of Course (more about that HERE) days and times are also listed: try to avoid starting or completing any important things between when the Moon is Void and when it enters the next Sign.

Particularly annoying Void of Course Moons are marked as V/C**

(All dates/times listed are Eastern. DST applies)

Monday, March 21, 2022
3rd quarter, Scorpio
2:06 AM               Mercury conjunct Jupiter
7:16 AM               Moon square March
8:58 AM               Moon opposite Uranus
12:33 PM               Moon square Venus
8:08 PM               Moon trine Jupiter
10:26 PM               Moon trine Mercury
11:49 PM               Moon square Saturn

Tuesday, March 22, 2022
3rd quarter, Scorpio
3:26 AM               Moon trine Neptune
12:00 PM               Moon sextile Pluto V/C
2:59 PM                Moon enters Sagittarius
    4:44 PM               Mars square Uranus
(+/- 8 days) Powerful energy can be unleashed at this time for overcoming obstacles and getting into gear. It’s powerful but erratic though, so be cautious with it!
6:52 PM               Sun trine Moon

Wednesday, March 23, 2022
3rd quarter, Sagittarius
1:12 PM               Moon sextile March
1:44 PM               Mercury conjunct Neptune
(+/- 4 days) A great time for meditation, creativity, and abstract thought. A great time for practical communication? Not so much…
7:28 PM               Moon sextile Venus
11:59 PM               Moon square Jupiter

Thursday, March 24, 2022
3rd quarter, Sagittarius
3:08 AM               Moon sextile Saturn
6:30 AM               Moon square Neptune
8:59 AM               Moon square Mercury V/C**
5:54 PM                Moon enters Capricorn

Friday, March 25, 2022
3rd quarter, Capricorn
1:37 AM  4th quarter
1:37 AM               Sun square Moon
3:15 PM               Moon trine Uranus

Saturday, March 26, 2022
4th quarter, Capricorn
3:48 AM               Moon sextile Jupiter
6:35 AM               Mercury sextile Pluto
9:36 AM               Moon sextile Neptune
6:04 PM               Moon conjunct Pluto
7:51 PM               Moon sextile Mercury V/C
8:55 PM                Moon enters Aquarius

Sunday, March 27, 2022
4th quarter, Aquarius
Mar 27 3:44 AM    Mercury enters Aries
8:34 AM               Sun sextile Moon
6:38 PM               Moon square Uranus

(No matter what transits are happening, how they play out in your life depends on your individual birth chart. Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll send you a copy and a free sneak preview!)

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