The last time I wrote about Jupiter in Scorpio, I took a joking approach with the title and the first paragraph. Sometimes one sees terrible and inaccurate over-generalizations made by some astrologers when it comes to the nature of a planet in a Sign. Any group of people in any line of work can sometimes…

(Part One of this series is HERE) Dear EL: Please bear with me, as discussing this subject properly necessitates not one but two lengthy digressions. Rather than push my word count to the breaking point, I’m presenting my next set of comments into two more digestible-sized chunks. So: here’s some more vegetables for you. Dessert…

Ha! Just kidding. But when something as major as a planet changing Signs occurs, there is a tendency to take the nature of the planet, weld it to the nature of the Sign and just throw out some basic statements. Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10th, and since Jupiter rules things like committed relationships and…

(If you haven’t already read it, click HERE to read Part One of this series, in which I answer a reader’s question about the state of her Jupiter and her “luck” in general.) Now, on to the larger subject of depression. I do think there are distinct signs of it in your birth chart, but…

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