“I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.” -The Navy SEAL code One thing we astrologers often neglect to mention to the people we do readings for who are having bad transits: don’t let your bad transits take other people down with you. Case in point: Navy SEAL…

Mars in Capricorn is approaching the conjunction with Pluto and the square with Uranus, and that aspect will be in effect for most of November, reaching the exact degree on the 10th. Mars represents a lot of the impulses that society has a problem with, like sex and violence. Mars interacting with Pluto and Uranus in…

November isn’t usually the most exciting month of the year. It doesn’t have a Halloween or Christmas going for it. The weather is usually bad, but not as bad as it will be. Astrologically, this November is a bit like that. Jupiter and Saturn are square each other, but it isn’t exact. Uranus and Pluto…

Sometimes when you go a long time without seeing a person, you can be surprised by the changes they’ve undergone. People age. People gain or lose weight. People go through good and bad health. Renée Zellweger (born April 25, 1969, 2:41 PM, Baytown Texas) is someone we haven’t seen a lot of in the last…

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