(Looking for a fun and easy way to learn what Astrology can REALLY do for you? CLICK HERE for details. Class starts August 5th, but there’s bonus stuff if you join now!) (Finally — a practical astrology forecast that EVERYONE can use, regardless of their Sign! Make sure you bookmark this page and come back…

(Looking for a fun and easy way to learn what Astrology can REALLY do for you? CLICK HERE for details. Class starts August 5th, but there’s bonus stuff if you join now!) Last time, I explained how the Midheaven is a goal that you were aiming at with your life, and that your career is…

(Looking for a fun and easy way to learn what Astrology can REALLY do for you? CLICK HERE for details. Classes starting soon!) As a counseling astrologer, I spent a lot of time working with people discussing (among other things) their career options. Often the issues facing people are not simply a matter of “do I…

(Looking for a fun and easy way to learn what Astrology can REALLY do for you? CLICK HERE for details. Classes starting soon!) Sure, you’ll be feeling nice and energetic for a while after Sunday’s New Moon in Leo. With luck and a little planning, you had the time to sit down and tell the Universe at…

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