Oh My Stars

A typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve…

You may have heard of the Saturn Return, which is so often a disruptive influence in a person’s life. There is another major life transit that many of you have experienced or will be experiencing. It’s the Uranus opposition, which kicks in around the age of 42. If Uranus represents your freaky, inventive genius side,…

One of the uncomfortable truths about astrology is it each of the planets rule many different things, and that sometimes we wish those things wouldn’t travel together. Venus rules both sweetness and diabetes. Jupiter rules comedy and obesity. Neptune rules both higher spirituality and drugs, and so on. (Wondering what the next few months hold…

So, 2020 has been… interesting so far, hasn’t it? Well… It’s about to get a whole lot more… interesting. Normally the planet Mars spends roughly about a month and a half to two months in any Sign that that it visits. However, this year? Mars enters Aries on June 27th, then makes it close to…

You can’t choose your child’s exact birth chart, but you can choose the “birth chart” of a marriage. It can’t guarantee success (that’s still up to you and your partner), but it can certainly get things off to a good start, and does seem to have a lasting effect after everyone leaves the reception. I…

(CLICK HERE for the month’s major aspects!) Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! (Wondering what the…

A typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve…

I’ve spent some time recently comparing the astrological charts for the 2014 outbreak of Ebola and the 2019 outbreak of COVID-19. On the face of it, there aren’t a whole lot of similarities. Sure, in 2014 Pluto was in Capricorn and Neptune was in Pisces, as they are now. But given that those planets are…

The following is a transcript of a conversation between THE UNIVERSE and GEMINI, which took place on May 20th at 9:49 AM, Eastern time. (Trigger warning if you are an actual Gemini.) (Wondering what the next few months hold in store for you? Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and…

Mercury has entered Gemini, and will be there until May 28th. This is normally an occasion when someone who writes about astrology will point out that Gemini is a pretty good place for Mercury to be. After that, there would be a temptation to go on and talk about communications or texting people too much…

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