After an unusually long stretch in Leo (much of it retrograde) Venus awakened this morning in Virgo to puzzle over where her money went, how much time she spent on that mechanical bull at the bar, and why her bra has “thanks for the memories!” written on it in some stranger’s handwriting and has decided…

(More on readings and how the practical application of astrology can make your planet a better place? Click here!) When I say I’m an astrologer, most people don’t really know what the job entails, and that job varies from practitioner to practitioner. Let me tell you what I do. I am a counselor, much like…

Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want to see what REAL astrology can REALLY do? Start by learning about the Void of Course Moon and then…

Your introduction to Saturn in Sagittarius (and details for the other eleven Signs) is HERE. I’ll update it every three months or so, so keep coming back! What’s in it for me? “Saturn in Sagittarius” means that Saturn is now in your Second House and will remain there until December 2017, and regardless of the…

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