Oh, February. Shortest month of the year, the weather is mostly not great, and on top of all that you inflict Valentine’s Day on us as well. Is there no end to your treachery, you smallest and most noisome month of the ear? Actually, things could be worse. The last (hooray!) exact peak of the Uranus-Pluto…

Much of what I deal with as an astrologer has to do with relationships, and you probably won’t be surprised that the term “soul mate” turns up a lot in my various consultations. I was speaking with a client the other day about the nature of what a soul mate is. In her opinion, a…

First of all, an apology to all my regular readers. As Saturn in Sagittarius rolls into the exact conjunction with my natal Mercury, sometimes it gets difficult to write. Also: the rest of my life has been nothing to write home about, but that’s a little too personal. This brings me to the main point…

(Click here for the introduction to the series, and here for my notes on the Saturn-Neptune square of 2015) Previously, I covered the effects of Saturn in Sagittarius this year, and particularly its square to Neptune in Pisces. That may not be the single biggest piece of astrological news for 2015, but it’s going to…

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