(This is part of the “Ask An Astrologer” series, where I occasionally try to demonstrate how getting a consultation can genuinely help and provide real guidance, using real-life examples. Want to find out for yourself? There’s a link to my e-mail at the bottom of this blog entry.) RS writes: “Do you see anything I…

Recently, an astrologer friend of mine (well, a friend in the Facebook/Twitter sense anyway) recently said: “Astrologers talking about positivity, uplifting vibes and wokeness instructing the real world!! …Seriously, why are astrologers so blinkered to reality and insist life is wonderful when mostly, its not.” This got me to thinking about how different astrologers have…

So here we are at the end of this series (the introduction is HERE), and I find myself wondering: well, what about TFSMW? Do I believe in them? And the answer is: …I …think so…? Okay, I know. That wasn’t incredibly satisfying for either of us. But I can tell you this, based on many…

First of all, if you haven’t read Part One of this blog entry, please CLICK HERE for it. Second, I would like to apologize for the unusual length of this blog entry, but I believe it is utterly vital that everything it contains be heard. The following are statements made by two people who have…

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