For those of you who’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll notice that I tend to focus on celebrity stories. There’s a reason for that. Ultimately, astrology is all about how it affects individual lives. I could be telling you stories about my uncle Fred or the guy who lives down the street,…

Some transgressions are worse than others, and sometimes that’s determined by the profession of the transgressor in question. If a politician cheats on his wife it’s bad, but if a preacher does it, it’s terrible. If an actor cheats on his taxes it’s bad, but if a politician does it it’s particularly bad. Brian Williams is…

Oh, Astrology. You are the gift that keeps on giving, making sense of The Crazy. Case in point: It was recently announced that well-known monster Charles Manson is getting married. The blushing bride-to-be is Afton Burton, age 26. I haven’t been able to find a birthdate for Afton (but boy have I tried). Charlie’s birth chart…

Sometimes when you go a long time without seeing a person, you can be surprised by the changes they’ve undergone. People age. People gain or lose weight. People go through good and bad health. Renée Zellweger (born April 25, 1969, 2:41 PM, Baytown Texas) is someone we haven’t seen a lot of in the last…

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