The combination of Spring Break and Easter at the same time has made this a busy week. In lieu of a longer post, here are a few items of interest:


The Junky Car Club has declared a tongue-in-cheek feud with my beloved Chicago Cubs because of this story about their players secretly demolishing their strength coach’s old car and then giving him a brand-new Xterra as a replacement. As a long-time Cubs fan and a proud member of the JCC, I am torn by this news. Generosity is cool, but not when it comes at the expense of an innocent 13-year-old Nissan Sentra. I’m going to have to stand with the Junky Car Club on this one.


Mikhail Gorbachev is a Christian. Not only that, but he’s a big fan of St. Francis of Assisi (who happens to be my favorite saint, too). As the Communist leader of the USSR, Gorby was forced to publicly proclaim himself an atheist, but apparently there were always rumors that he was a closet Christian. Turns out the rumors were true — he’s a devout, baptized member of the Russian Orthodox Church. Kinda makes me feel bad for identifying him as a candidate for the Antichrist in Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse. Sorry, Mr. Gorbachev.


TrueU has posted a article I wrote about trying to learn how to fully observe the Sabbath…not just as a day for worship, but as a time of rest. My family and I attend church on Saturday nights, and because of my involvement on the leadership team there, it often involves multiple responsibilities on my part. But we’re getting better at not doing much on Sundays. Sunday mornings are wonderful, and I’m making an attempt this year to not write that day if at all possible — whether it’s work on the books or blog posts or other freelance stuff.

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