Some of you may be aware of Buy Shoes, Save Lives, an organization I profiled about a year ago for Relevant Magazine. BSSL is now called the Preemptive Love Coalition. If you are unfamiliar with their work, they operate out of Iraq, exporting authentic Kurdish footwear in order to fund heart surgeries for Iraqi kids. Completely handmade shoes. I own a pair, and they make me look very cool. At least from the ankle down.

I’ve kept in touch with BSSL founder Jeremy Courtney since getting to know him, and he’s the kind of guy writers like me really like. Sure, he was a great interview subject who wasn’t afraid to challenge people with his opinions. But he’s also thoughtful in a personal sense, in that he regularly updates me as to how my article has impacted his organization. He tracks how many people donate or buy shoes based on having heard about it in the Relevant interview. As of last week, Jeremy says he can attribute $15,000 directly to that article. That’s enough to cover the expenses of two full heart surgeries for little kids. Wow. Seriously, that means a lot to me.

Sometimes you write to make a buck. Sometimes you propose an article just to get your name out there or to expand your public platform. Sometimes you write just so you can say, “I’ve written for _________.” Sometimes you write just because a publication was kind enough to ask you to. I’ve written for all those reasons. But sometimes you propose and write articles because you’re passionate about a subject, because you believe in a movement, and because you want to tell a good story. I felt that way about the Preemptive Love Coalition/Buy Shoes, Save Lives, and I’m humbled to have played a weird little role in the countercultural work they do.

Humbled? Really, Boyett? Not humbled enough to, you know, keep this $15,ooo thing to yourself. You had to parade it out in front of everyone so they’ll think you’re awesome.

No I didn’t.

Yes, you did. You’re also concerned they don’t like you anymore because you’re voting for Obama.

Well, that’s probably true. But I’m not going to talk any more about political stuff. I promised.

Anyway, stop it with the fake humility.

Wait a second. How do you know I wrote this to toot my own horn and not to, you know, bring yet another dose of attention to the organization? Every little link counts. Maybe I’m trying to influence more people to buy klash and save little Iraqi kids.

That’s just a ruse to stroke your ego. I know this because that’s how you roll.

You’re mean.

Admit it, Boyett. You’re a rabid egotist. Seriously, egotism is the driving force behind being a blogger in the first place: the idea that your thoughts matter and people want to hear them.

You’re also very cynical.

So are you.



Well, that was weird. Anyway, I wanted you to know that you can now buy klash for kids. They’re cool little handmade shoes just like the grown-up versions, only these have kid-friendly rubber soles and are lots cheaper. $25. And a good way to teach kids about poverty and compassion and the realities of life outside the U.S.

Also, they’re very cute, and I say that in the coolest dad way possible. Go get some.

Know what’s even weirder? These guys skateboarded across Florida as a direct result of reading about Buy Shoes Save Lives in Relevant. Now they’re headed to Iraq to work directly with Preemptive Love Coalition. That’s crazy.

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