There are only four days left in our 30 bloggers, 30 days, $30,000 campaign to raise money for Charity:Water.

Many of you have donated, for which I’m very grateful. But so far we’ve raised less than $10,000. I think we can do better than that.

So I’m starting this week with an auction. On eBay, I’m auctioning off a box of 75 signed copies of my book Pocket Guide to the Bible.


This is a book I wrote in 2006. As expected, it’s a small overview-type book about the Bible. I’m not a scholar, however, and the book is not particularly pious. It’s a little sarcastic and irreverent and occasionally funny.

As Lauren Sandler blurbed about PGTTB, “Jason leads us through the Bible like Jon Stewart leads viewers through the day’s news.”

Why would anyone need 75 of these? Well, a number of churches have been buying them in bulk to give away to new members or to have available for Bible study classes. One church in California handed them out to all their high school youth upon beginning a study on the New Testament. University Bible courses have used these as a painless, entertaining introductory textbook. On-campus ministries do giveaways or promotions with them. In a pinch, you can stack 75 of them up into a funky end table. They are small enough to be used as coasters.

The retail price on the back of the book is $11.99, which means a box of 75 is worth $899.25.

The price on Amazon is $10.36, which means a box of 75 is worth an extremely biblical $777.

By signing the books, I have likely reduced their worth by a couple of dollars, so let’s say each book is worth $8. That’s $600 for a box of 75.

We could raise some good money here for Charity:Water.

I am auctioning the box of books and will donate the selling price (minus eBay fees and shipping at the cheap “media mail” rate) to the 30/30/30 Charity:Water campaign.

Because the campaign ends on Thursday, this is a short, 3-day auction. It ends Wednesday afternoon so I can make the donation by Thursday.

Bidding starts at $.99. Buy the box for your church, Bible study group, favorite ministry, or
every person on your block. In doing so, you’ll be helping fund water
projects in Central African Republic.


More about my Pocket Guide series here

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