In the 17th century, in response to his support for Copernicanism, the Church condemned Galileo and his heliocentric ideas. Good Christians fought opposed the idea that the sun was at the center of the solar system. Why? Because the Bible seemed to indicate that the earth was stationary, and everything revolved around it, including the…

“Let’s be honest for a second.” I hate when I find myself saying that at the start of a conversation. I hate when I begin a sentence, “To be honest.” Because saying it implies that what is about to follow is noteworthy. It is noteworthy because it is honest. As if most of what I…

On Tuesday, I mentioned The Outsider Interviews, a book and DVD describing what non-believers think about believers. It was brought to my attention by blogger and author Hemant Mehta, the “Friendly Atheist.” In his post about the book/DVD, he asked his readers — most of whom are nontheists — this question: If Christians would listen,…

I’m excited about a new book called The Outsider Interviews: A New Generation Speaks Out on Christianity, by Jim Henderson, Todd Hunter & Craig Spinks. It’s not just a book, either, but a “DVB” — a book + DVD. The project contains interviews with non-Christians in Kansas City, Denver, Phoenix and Seattle about what they…

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