O Me of Little Faith

Back in mid-February, I linked to a great new blog called “Stuff White People Like.” It wasn’t an especially ground-breaking discovery on my part, because apparently everyone linked to the site around that same time and the blog got huge, really quick. From a few hundred hits a day in late January to hundreds of…

When I was a kid, I used to try to come up with all these elaborate jokes to play on my dad on April 1. Most of them were pretty lame. I think the best one was when I filled all his shoes with marbles. Not bad for a 7-year-old. Apparently, I had access to…

I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m a huge Chicago Cubs fan. When I was 6 or 7 years old, my parents got cable for the first time. It was one of those old punch-button cable boxes, and my brother and I discovered that cable channel 3 in Amarillo carried a superstation called WGN, broadcasting out…

The Bookseller magazine has announced the winner in its Oddest Book Title competition, and it’s the self-help manual If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start with Your Legs, which, um, walked away with a third of the votes. As discussed earlier on this blog, there were several great candidates for the prize. My vote…

Here’s the rest of my interview with Tara Leigh Cobble, indie musician, speaker, and author of Crowded Skies. If you missed it, here’s Part 1. JB: What did you learn in the process of publishing Crowded Skies? What will you do differently next time? (Will there be a next time?) TLC: Since I was self-publishing,…

Back in January, I mentioned my online friend Tara Leigh Cobble, who is an excellent indie musician and writer and who also is blessed with synesthesia, but whom I’ve never met in real life. She once met Jason Morant and thought he was me, though. Which is awesome. Like me, she had her first book,…

From 2005 until late last year, I worked as a freelance writer and consultant on a number of marketing and promotional projects for Relevant Solutions, the design and strategy division of Relevant Media Group (publishers of Relevant Magazine and several of my books). Got to work on a bunch of fun ad campaigns, mostly targeted…

When I was interested in being cool, I had two favorite comic strips” “Calvin and Hobbes” and “The Far Side.” But before I was interested in being cool, I used to read “Garfield,” one goofy book at a time. I loved Odie. I loved Garfield’s passion for lasagna and coffee. And I loved how series…

The combination of Spring Break and Easter at the same time has made this a busy week. In lieu of a longer post, here are a few items of interest: + The Junky Car Club has declared a tongue-in-cheek feud with my beloved Chicago Cubs because of this story about their players secretly demolishing their…

You probably don’t know it, but today is the first day of Discardia, a totally made-up holiday season that falls between the solstices and equinoxes and their following new moons. (For you non-meteorologists, that’s March 19 to April 5.) The purpose of Discardia, which was created by blogger Dinah Sanders of Metagrrrl, is to “get…

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