Over the past few weeks, the news from Pakistan has been dominated by the case of Rinkel Kumari, a Hindu teenage girl who was kidnapped from home. Rinkel eventually turned up…but converted to Islam, supposedly of her own free will, and married to a Muslim man. The court proceedings have been a sham, and instead of returning to her parents, Rinkel is now condemned to live with a man she barely knows.
Unfortunately, Rinkel’s case is not one off. Kidnappings and forced conversions of Hindu and Christian teenage girls is a common occurrence in Pakistan. My colleague and good friend, Suhag Shukla, wrote a touching piece for the Huffington Post on this ongoing human rights violation. Please take a few moments to read it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/suhag-a-shukla-esq/growing-up-hindu-in-pakistan_b_1449374.html