Now that I know everyone’s top ten albums, what about books?
If I was packing and could only bring ten books, I’d pick the following…wrapped in sheets of poems numerous as styrofoam peanuts, of course… (Rilke! Rumi! Sexton! Whitman! the Beats!)
And if I contradict myself…well, you know what Walt says….
1. Catcher in the Rye -Salinger
2. Nightwood -Djuna Barnes
3. When Kafka Was the Rage -Anatole Broyard
4. When I Was Five I Killed Myself -Howard Buten
5. Echo -Francesca Lia Block (runner-ups: Weetzie Bat and I Was A Teenage Fairy)
6. Narcissus and Goldmund -Herman Hesse
7. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -Roald Dahl
8. The Bell Jar -Sylvia Plath
9. The Power of Now -Eckart Tolle
10. A blank notebook to write my own, even if it doesn’t read as good later
(my apologies to all those great books I can’t fit here or am forgetting…I feel like I’m trying to remember my list of ‘thank you’s at the Oscars the the exit music is playing……)