In honor of Hanukkah, here are some fun facts about BUJUs! A BUJU (or JUBU) is someone of Jewish decent (cultural or religious) who has a serious interest in, has converted to, or practices Buddhism. According to

  • Charles T. Strauss was the first Jew to be converted to Buddhism on American soil. The date was September 26, 1893.
  • Two Jews, Sam Bercholz and Michael Fagan, started Shambhala Publications in 1969 in Berkeley, California, where they owned a metaphysical bookstore.
  • David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, was a serious student of Buddhist meditation techniques.
  • Jews and Buddhists have no recorded history of conflict
  • Chogyam Trunpa said so many of his students were Jews that they formed the Oy Vey school of Buddhism.

To all my fellow JUBUs and BUJUs out there, Happy Hanukkah!

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