Picture 2.pngA recent Boston Globe article points to a trend of young adults turning to Meditation as a means of dealing with the speed up of life that comes from becoming an adult in the age of the internet:

“At a time when homework or job
pressures and the likes of Facebook and Twitter compete for attention
throughout the day, meditation groups say an increasing number of young
adults are signing up for retreats and classes, seeking a temporary
escape, a haven to reconnect with their thoughts.

people are much more stressed out than people 20, 30 years ago,” said
Rebecca Bradshaw, one of the retreat leaders who also works as a
psychotherapist. “We have a fast-paced and alienating culture.”” — Link to Full article Here

A month ago I blogged about my first week long retreat, which was a “Young Adult Retreat” aimed at the 18-32 demographic.  At the end of the week we had an opportunity to discuss with fellow retreatants what our experience was like.   Many of the conversations centered around how helpful and relevant our practice has been in the face of crushing potentiality and swift cultural change.   One friend told me, and I would agree that,  “In the past five years pretty much the only thing that has remained consistent has been my meditation practice”.  

I mean, I don’t even use myspace anymore…

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