Unlike Richard Feynman, Stillman Brown does not do his best thinking in strip joints (see below). The July 28 issue of the New Yorker (still the finest magazine in the world, despite the ill-advised, un-satirical Obama cover) had an article about the scientific inquiry into insight that got me all hot n’ bothered. In “The…

Hi there. Life is so weird, so unpredictable. Right? I just spent the last 24 hours basically living at Bellvue hospital because one of my friends got hit by a car. She is in a coma. I just sit beside her bed and talk to her tiny banged up body. And mostly I babysit her…

Hello all. I am a new blogger here on OneCity. My name is Kirsten (aka rewriteable). I am going to be regularly writing about topics and updates related to IDP’s Integral Activism project. As Stillman Brown recently posted, the Integral Activism/Back to the Sack Initiative managed to send over 400 signatures to Gov. Paterson asking…

Sunday night I went to a friend’s going away party. The party was fun and a lot of my close friends were there, but there were two things that bothered me throughout the evening. One was personal, one was more ideological, but both were connected. This isn’t any groundbreaking news, necessarily, but it’s something I…

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