In honor of the passage of Vermont’s same-sex marriage law, Ben & Jerry’s has announced that for 30 days (only in Vermont), “Chubby Hubby” ice cream will be sold as “Hubby Hubby.” Stephen Colbert‘s Americone Dream could not be reached for comment, but rumors are that the caramel-and-waffley-chocolate-bits-flavor called the announcement a cheap publicity stunt…

Well, of course that’s sort of a silly thing to say. That’s like saying Buddhism is the World’s Best Religion. Who would ever make such a claim? But the new Interdependence Project website is pretty great. Lots to check out about Buddhism, meditation, integral activism, mindful arts, and our great Buddhism podcast and videos, and…

Belowis a simple and awesome animation by Andy Lubershane  about Health Care Reform. The main thing it does, which progressives have so far failed to do in any coherent message, is explain why certain services (police, fire, health care, etc) make total sense to be government-run, and why health insurance is without a doubt one…

In the Times “On Religion” blog this weekend was an article about a young Sikh group that meets in Manhattan. It was described as “a Sikh version of what religion scholars call the emergent movement, a growing trend toward small, nimble, bottom-up, laity-led congregations that especially attract young adults.” Sounds kinda like something else we know.

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