The internet is officially the Coolest Toy Ever. This site, Typealyzer, automatically analyzes the content of a blog and spits out a personality profile of it’s author. Since this is a group blog, the one could assume the result would be less telling; I’ll let you be the judge. We are: ESTP – The Doers…

Via Andrew Sully this A.M.: Ginger Anyhow has embroidered a series of romantic text messages received 02/06 to 04/07. Running through the photographs gives one a sense of the relationship’s rise and fall in a abstract but deeply intimate way. The act of stitching the conversations changes easily discarded text messages into poetic keepsakes. And the mixing…

Sunday night at South Station in Boston on my way to catch a bus back to New York, I had a scary encounter with aggression. My friend Brett and I booked tickets on Bolt Bus early in the week. Bolt is really cheap and has power outlets and an internet connection that is spotty, but…

There are several present and future exhibits of Buddhist art in the city that I’m excited about. The Eight Venerable Drugu Choegyal Rinpoche, a master of the Drukpa Kagyu tradition and a painter in traditional and contemporary idioms, has shows at both Tibet House and at Tria Gallery. I don’t know if this painting of…

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