One City

I saw this article in Sunday’s section of the Herald, the local Long Island newspaper I grew up reading. The article recalls a historic event in Rockville Centre, my hometown. On March 26, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at South Side Junior High, the middle school I attended. Nine days after the speech,…

Supermarkets! Whether Waldbaums, Stew Leonards, ShopRite, Whole Foods, or Hong Kong Supermarket, they inevitably fill me with a combination of revulsion, compassion and philosophy. Having just emerged relative unscathed from a recent trip, I thought of my favorite piece about a supermarket, by the late writer David Foster Wallace. He was probably my favorite decidedly…

Ethan has encouraged me or maybe even teased me a couple times to blog Buddhism themes in the sci-fi TV show Battlestar Galactica, and clearly it’s something he thinks about too. Ok, maybe I should accept my nerdy karma and go with it. Yesterday some of us in Portland went to see the final season…

In a typical Something Big’s Coming Up I Wonder What Cute Things Kids Have To Say About It They’re So Cute-type move, The New York Times has collected letters written by children to Barack Obama in advance of inauguration day. My favorite: Dear President Obama, Here is a list of the first 10 things you…

Who loves technology?  Humans do. “Forever is a large videowall installation of endless animations responding to an ever changing soundtrack. The bespoke generative design system at the heart of Forever will spawn unique audio-visual films every day, forever.” [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1966709&w=425&h=350&] more about ““Forever” Art“, posted with vodpod

To Make Routine A Stimulus

Saturday January 10th, midst a splattering of snow, Hardcore Dharma recommenced for a second, subsequent term.  This time around we’ll be working book by book as opposed to subject by subject.  Like last time, we’ll be reading texts from the three major schools of Buddhism: Zen, Theravaden and Tibetan. The first text we’re working with…

“When you find it difficult to stop your mind while you are sitting and when you are still trying to stop your mind, this is the stage of “form is emptiness and emptiness is form.”  But while you are practicing in this dualistic way, more and more you will have oneness with your goal.  And…

I took a walk through Central Park yesterday as twilight was falling, the trees like black coral against a sky that was silver at the horizon and powder blue if I looked straight up. I started south from the Met and wandered towards whatever rise or turn looked appealing, coming first to the statue of…

Like many of the people I know, my life is excessively busy. I am always talking about how I don’t have time for things. I have a long list of things to do, emails to respond to, people to call back, bills to pay, blogs to read and so forth. I have to “make time”…

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