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One City
One City
Northern mixtape, Saturday
I was going to post a blog consisting of a mixtape tracklist I made to accompany a short story I wrote, “Northern,” out now in issue 33:2 of the New Orleans Review, because this blog has had its share of dorkdom, politics, and depressing news about global warming for one week. And hell. It’s Saturday.…
Friday Afternoon Wrap-Up
Stillman Brown
Your brain is fried, you’ve tried meditating or working out at your desk but it’s no use – the weekend looms like a beautiful giant rainbow of free time and you want out of the office. Stop straining and enjoy this Friday afternoon wrap-up: 1. China wants to have its torch and eat it too:…
Altered Senses: Insight or Just a Free High?
Stillman Brown
By Stillman Brown I have a recurring phenomenon that arises when I’m meditating: my vision becomes slightly blurry and everything in my field of sight is tinged in white, like the shapes in my room are covered in downy white mold, except that the mold is shifting like sand on a tympani that is rolling…
Al Gore’s New (Even More Urgent) Lecture on the Climate Crisis
Ethan Nichtern
TED, the same series that brought the fabulous Jill Bolte Taylor lecture (scroll down below for vid and discussion), has just released a new slideshow lecture with Al Gore, arguing that global warming might be happening even faster than we thought (Oh, goodie!). As usual, it is a gripping and definitely worth watching: I definitely…
Obama is the Final Cylon
Ethan Nichtern
So I was guest lecturing Friday night in Bloomfield NJ at the home of Jessica Rasp’s lovely Grandma (she has a regular series about once a month where about 25 folks show up to hear a Buddhist lecture and discussion), and I missed the premier of the final season of Battlestar Galactica. I was pretty…
Wants and Needs, Part II
Ellen Scordato
My new favorite art site: Wants for Sale Two nyc artists, Christine and Justin, started painting pictures of things they wanted. Visualizing, them, as it were, on canvas. Then they started selling those paintings for the exact price of that item. And voila, the item manifests. They painted an iPhone; they sold a painting of…
Oh yeah….Breath.
Sorry I have been MIA. I have not been sitting down much, at a computer to write or a cushion to meditate. What I have been doing is moving like a treadmill-girl, mostly on incline. But this weekend I’ve found some moments to catch my breath, on the cushion and in a few line…
Two Must-See Videos
Ethan Nichtern
I was all set to write a post about racism and sexism, but it would’ve been about the 08 race and I figure we’ve had enough of that recently. Instead I decided to post two must-see videos that came to my attention this week. They are incredibly different but each worthy of comment. I have…
happy plastic bags
Ellen Scordato
Interdependent art? Without plastic bags, we wouldn’t have this! SVA (School of Visual Arts) student Joshua Allen Harris makes these around the new york city streets (btw, for out-of-towners--that's a subway grate, and air gusts out of it when trains go by). A big thanks to the most excellent Mark and Sarah of for…
Dharma, blogging, book deals: recent news!
Three great non-dharma-related blogs scored book contracts this month: Stuff White People Like struck a deal with Random House, Bent Objects with Running Press, and, my personal favorite, Not Eating Out in New York, signed up with Gotham Books. I like the “consuming less, eating more” tagline of this last blog, and the idea that…
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