It is morning. A new day, a fresh start. But the thoughts swirling in my mind are grey:
I’m stuck.
My new ideas are all used up.
I’m a failure.
How does he/she do it? How does he keep coming up with great stuff?
Life sucks.
I’ve fallen into a black hole of:
I must take control of myself and my life.
If I work hard I will become important.
The answer, the “secret,” is out there if I just keep looking for it.
I get what I deserve. The outcome is up to me.
Untruths. All.
The truth is:
There is a Source from which all good comes;
That Source is God—not me.
God created me to create…
And wishes to push His wild—loving—genius out to others through me.
I just need to do one thing: Get ME–my ego, fears, pride, control, angst—out of the way.
When I stop focusing on mySELF;
let go of the outcome; and
relax into God and His love…
…immediately fresh inspiration—creativity—energy—seeps out of me. It’s as natural as breathing.
I am back in the flow.
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What about you—what hinders flow?
What restores it?
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Photo credit: Shakespearesmonkey (creative commons)